Shepherd's Corner

IMG_2693-min.jpgOne of the outreach ministries of the parishioners from the Cathedral is to support Shepherd's Corner  located in downtown Prince George.

Shepherd’s Corner is an inner-city ministry that opens its doors to people of all backgrounds and faiths. It offers temporary, day-time shelter for the homeless and poor, providing a listening and compassionate presence. It is a clean, secure and welcoming place where people can meet, have a cup of coffee and share with one another and the volunteers without having to meet particular expectations. When necessary referrals are made to other resources available in Prince George.



The Cathedral supports this diocesan ministry in downtown Prince George through the following:

  • volunteers
  • financial donation through the Annual Appeal, Called Together
  • donation of non-perishable items especially leading towards Christmas when the Filipino-Canadian community in the City of Prince George gather for the Simbang Gabi (or night Masses before Christmas)


Cathedral Office Hours

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Friday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Contact Us

887 Patricia Blvd., Prince George, BC V2L 3V5
(250) 564-5225
