The Old Testament custom of the Jubilee Year (cf. Leviticus 25) reminded the people of Israel that their land and its fruits were a gift of God. In that special time, they acknowledged that God was the owner and giver of all their benefits. During the Jubilee year fields lay fallow, everyone rejoined his own clan, land that had been lost to debt was restored to the poor and other debts were forgiven. The Jubilee reminded people of their status as liberated children of God and helped them reflect that in their life together.
In late December, the Church begins a Christian Jubilee Year to mark our pilgrimage through time to God’s eternal Kingdom. Pope Boniface VIII instituted the first Jubilee Year in 1300 AD, and this special observance has been held every 25 years since then.
We share this journey as a community of believers and answer the call to “help carry one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). We acknowledge that all our gifts are from Him, and we imitate His goodness by giving of our blessings to those in need. The Annual Appeal is one way of exercising this Christian stewardship that will benefit a variety of needs in the Diocese.
In Jubilee Years pilgrims traditionally journey to Rome, where the major basilica churches open their special Jubilee doors. An expected thirty-five million pilgrims will travel to Rome in the coming year. For those unable to undertake such a journey, a pilgrimage within the diocese will offer the same spiritual experience. More information about that will soon be available.
I invite you to join me in this year’s Appeal, so that our gratitude to God for His blessings to us can be expressed in support of the community of faith throughout the Diocese. In this way we will be pilgrims together on the way to the Kingdom of God.
+Most Reverend Stephen Jensen
Through the Annual Appeal over the last few years, the community of the diocese has responded to the extraordinary situation of small parishes and missions that suffered disproportionately due to the financial impact of the pandemic restrictions.
Now that we are returning to more normal conditions and people can once again participate in parish life, the Appeal focus can turn to ministries that were either suspended or curtailed during the health emergency. This includes work with youth and young adults and university students, hospital ministry, the Rose Prince pilgrimage and other forms of evangelization and outreach.
The overall Appeal goal has risen, a step towards a return to pre-pandemic levels of support. In addition, the Appeal includes a new category for parish projects. The Appeal infrastructure provides an efficient means for each parish to address its own needs and over the last few years several parishes have taken advantage of this opportunity.
Who could have predicted recent history? Times have changed, but our need to be stewards of God's blessings to us is constant. I invite you to join me once again in supporting the Annual Appeal to build the community of faith, service and witness in our local Church.
+Most Reverend Stephen Jensen
It is with joy that Fr. Rector shares with all the parishioners of Sacred Heart Cathedral: we continue to exceed our parish goal for 2022-23 Called Together: Giving, Sharing, Serving (Diocesan Appeal). To date, the expected parish rebate is $14,049.
At our recent Parish Finance Council meeting (April 27, 2023), the Council recommended to apply for an approval of the Bishop, that the choir loft will undergo improvement. The flooring of the choir loft is unfinished. It was recommended to have it carpeted.
We have received approval from Bishop Stephen Jensen to proceed with the project. The funds that will be used are from 2022-23 Called Together parish rebate. The work will commence on June 12, 2023.
Once again, THANK YOU for your continued generous support. It goes a long away! Blessings.
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM