The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

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Episode 53: He is not Silent | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [John 2.1-12] on this Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C. He mentioned: “This miracle of changing water into wine is another manifestation of Jesus’ divine nature; In the midst of apparent need of those around him, Jesus was not silent. He was not indifferent. Jesus manifested the power and glory that he possessed as the Son of God; Mary was influential or even instrumental in the miracle of changing water into wine…There were six water jars that became the best wine that were serve on that wedding feast. This is a great sign of the abundance of God’s Kingdom…” Towards the end, Father Rector mentioned: “Aware of the many signs and miracles that Jesus could perform in our life’s journey, may we be counted among those who believe in Jesus and his divine power.”

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Episode 52 SPECIAL EDITION: In Solidarity with Us | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Luke 3.15-16,21-22] this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. He mentioned: “Jesus submitting himself to the Baptism being performed by John is consistent to the mystery of the Incarnation: God who became man, to be human like us except sin; He humbled himself to share our sinful humanity. Through his Baptism in the river Jordan, he once again communicate that he is in solidarity with us and he wants to redeem us from our sinfulness.”

Towards the end Fr. Rector mentioned: “The Baptism of Jesus should remind us of our identity and mission. Through Baptism, we become adapted children of God, members of the Body of Christ. May the celebration of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord help us to renew our own commitment to remain faithful to our identity and mission as baptized.”

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Episode 51 SPECIAL EDITION: Seek the Lord​​​​​​​ | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector briefly reflects on the Gospel [Matthew 2.1-12] on this Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord. He mentioned “Today’s feast celebrates the manifestation of the Lord to all people and nations…Like the wisemen, we can consider ourselves as people who desire to seek the Lord always. And when we find him, let’s also give him homage, offer him gifts of ourselves humble enough to recognize our limitations and allow him to rule over our lives.”

As he is on a pilgrimage, the recording took place from the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre (Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Paris France).

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Episode 50: Family Called to be Holy | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Luke 2.41-52] on this Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. He mentioned: “This Gospel reading reminds us of the following: (1) Parents have significant roles in the upbringing of their children; (2) Parents are to be supportive of their children in choosing vocation in life; (3) Home is the domestic church and parents by their words and actions are the first heralds of the faith; (4) Children are to be respectful and obedient children; (5) Each of us has a responsibility or task to fulfill in responding to God’s call to holiness...We are called in holiness and the family is the first avenue to promote and nourish it..." 

S. Maria Doris De Guzman, RVM shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “In the Gospel for the Feast of the Holy Family, two things really resonate with me. In Luke 2:41-42, it mentions how Mary and Joseph went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival every year, highlighting the faith and family values they instilled in Jesus… Secondly, in Luke 2:51, it says, "And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart." We know how Mary and Joseph answered God's call to be the parents of Jesus, instilling in Him the value of obedience. We also recognize how Jesus followed the will of God the Father, sacrificing everything for the salvation of humankind. Jesus' loving obedience to the Father's will inspired me to remain faithful to Him, which ultimately led me to enter into religious life…”

S. Doris will celebrate her 25th Silver Jubilee as a religious this coming year 2025. With regards Jubilee Year 2025, she mentioned: “The Jubilee is one of the most important events in my life. It is a great occasion to reflect on all the blessings I have received from God. This time allows me to praise and thank Him for the unique spiritual experiences I have encountered…Towards the end of her reflection, she added: “As we celebrate Jubilee 2025 under the theme "Pilgrims of Hope," I am excited to promote this occasion to others. I encourage everyone to join in the pilgrimage to designated churches both in Canada and the Philippines.”

Watch and listen! Get to know S. Maria Doris De Guzman, RVM. Be inspired from her faith sharing.

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Episode 49: Blessed by His Presence| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [Luke 1.39-45] this Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year C. He mentioned: “In this story of Visitation, both Mary and Elizabeth, celebrate the kindness and fidelity of God to them and to all other God’s people.” He added the following significant points: “We see the significance of women in the story of salvation; Like Mary, we too are bearers of Good News; We can imitate how Mary brought the Good News to her cousin Elizabeth.” Lastly he mentioned, “the story of the Visitation should remind us that God wants to be constantly present with us and in our lives.”

Jaevie and Tessa Diga share what struck them in the Gospel. Tessa mentioned, “When Elizabeth Mary’s greeting her child leaped in her womb and exclaimed ‘Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb…’ This struck us because when Mary showed up, Elizabeth accepted her of her current situation with no judgement and most importantly even blessed her. We think that this is what we should all do with every individual who shows up at our door because everybody needed to be loved, accepted and be blessed.” Jaevie added, “It reminds us to show hospitality in any ways we can…”

When asked to share as to how they see God constantly at work in their lives, Jaevie mentioned, “We always feel his presence in our lives as a couple and as a family. Being gifted with children is an ordinary blessing from the Lord. Ever since we have joined the Couples for Christ (CFC), our family have been blessed with abundant of blessings such as gift of love, acceptance and belongingness.We know that the Lord is constantly at work in our lives by providing us our day to day needs and when we talk to him and pray, he answers all these prayers always and in very timely manner.”

Jaevie and Tessa also shared how they celebrate Christmas as a young family, namely: (1) spend more with our children…reminding them that it is the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ; (2) by sharing our blessings to the community; (3) making ourselves including our children available to serve the church.

Towards the end Father Rector expressed his gratitude to both Jaevie and Tessa for their assistance, generosity of self, time and talent to the cathedral church and to the community at large. Jaevie Diga leads one of the choirs and assist in the music ministry on a regular basis.

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Jaevie and Tessa Diga, young couple in our parish, members of Couples for Christ.

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Episode 48: Prepare the Way of the Lord| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father reflects on the Gospel [Luke 3.10-18] on this Third Sunday of Advent, Year C. He mentioned: “The people who heard John the Baptist’ call responded by going to him and asking him, “What should we do?” As if they were saying, “How shall we prepare for the coming of the Messiah? It is interesting to hear John the Baptist response. Although he himself lived an austere life removed from the ordinary pursuits of people, he did not ask them to dissociate themselves from their own lives or occupations…He challenged them to continue where they are but to carry out their responsibilities with concern for others, honesty, and integrity.” Towards the end, Father Rector added: “If in case you find yourselves asking the same questions as those crowds in the Gospel…John the Baptist response is quite simple: “Look at who you are. Begin there; begin with the road in front of you. Walk that road and allow God to transform the life you live right now and those around you…”

Mary Saba shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “…how the Gospel talks about practical ways of preparing for the coming of the Lord…the theme of generosity – a reminder that we must be generous every way that we can in our life; it also talks about fairness – encouraging us to partake in fairness and act with integrity and justice…we want to inspire others to embody these values as Jesus does…”

When asked as to how she can encourage others to deepen their relationship with Jesus, Mary mentioned: “It goes beyond just going to church every Sunday; its practicing your relationship with the Lord in your everyday life…These can be through gratitude, the challenges you face, and through moments of joy. Be grateful for small and big moments in your life…think also of God in the joyful moments of your life…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Mary Saba, young adult and parishioner of the cathedral.

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Episode 47: Prepare the Way of the Lord| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Luke 3.1-6] this Second Sunday of Advent, Year C. He mentioned: “This event of John the Baptist calling people to repentance and to prepare the way of the Lord, indeed happened in human history… the bold and strong message of John the Baptist to prepare the way of the Lord is a message and invitation for all of us too…Preparing the path of the Lord is to make a space for Him in our mind, heart, and soul, so that he can enter and dwell in us.”

Prince Klaire Lavarias shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “The verses that say ‘prepare the way of the Lord’ as well as ‘all flesh shall see the salvation of God.’ It is a proclamation of God’s message that John the Baptist tells us to prepare for the Lord’s coming and to trust God’s ways…he is coming to save us.”

When asked as to how she can encourage other young people to deepen their relationship with the Lord, Klaire responded by saying: “just talk to him…the Lord loves his children…listen to his words, attend Mass. Pray to him to give you guidance and help in daily life…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Princess Klaire Lavarias, young adult parishioner of the cathedral!

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Episode 46: Be Alert at all times!| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Luke 21.25-28,34-36] this First Sunday of Advent, Year C. He mentioned: “Jesus spoke of cosmic disturbances and the distress on earth these disturbances will cause…as shocking as all of these may be, the turmoil are really signs that indicate the advent of redemption.” He continued by saying: “These Scripture passages should not frighten us rather it should stir in us a certain level of excitement, anticipation, ultimately, hope. Why? Because “our redemption is drawing near.” It means the advent of fulfillment. The word of Jesus is a message of hope for us!”

Ms. Kyra Sienaert, our school principal shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “The idea of watchfulness and preparation, this call to stay awake because the Lord is coming. It wins into this Advent Season so beautifully…this Gospel reminds us to stay awake, watch for it, look for it, listen to it…”

Ms. Sienaert also mentioned how she and her family observe the Season of Advent. She mentioned as a relatively new Catholic and her husband being just initiated in the faith last Easter, “Advent in our house is still new…I’ve always really love to share story to my children about the coming of Jesus. What is most exciting this year is sharing the wreath of advent with our children…set up space in our home where we can gather together and enjoy that time, reflect on the lighting of the candle, reflect on peace, on hope, on love and joy…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Mr. Kyra Sienaert, Sacred Heart School Principal!

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Episode 45: Kingship of Jesus| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Michael Ebomuche, MSsCc pastor of Christ Our Saviour Parish reflects on the Gospel [John 18.33b-37] this Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. He mentioned: “The code of Jesus’ kingship is morality, while the code of other kings is money and pleasure; Jesus’ kingship is not limited to time and space. Jesus is the Son of God, whom God made a King. His kingdom has no end. Jesus is everlasting King; Jesus’ kingship has no ‘security’. He is always with us. We can approach him anytime, any day. Jesus, our King chose to die for his people…” Towards the end of his reflection,

Fr. Michael said: “we pray that as we make Jesus king in our hearts, he will continue to reign, bring peace and share with us his infinite love.” Fr. Michael also shared how the Solemnity of Christ the King is celebrated in his home country (Nigeria). He said, “As a little child, when I was growing up, I witnessed…seen a lot of people dancing along the streets, seen the priest carrying the monstrance…I said, ‘this is so beautiful’. I didn’t know what was happening because I was just about five or six…but when I grew up, I came to realize the importance of this celebration and I was able to participate as well…” In Nigeria, during the Feast of Christ the King, the Blessed Sacrament is process around the streets and the people join in procession. It is like the celebration of Corpus Christi.

He also shared about his vocation story. Fr. Michael mentioned that he started his journey when he was a little child, as an altar server. He also recognized the significant contribution of his parents. In his words, Fr. Michael said, “our parents are our first vocation directors…” The environment and upbringings he grew up with, the white attire of the priests, and their way of life – all of these inspire him to pursue vocation to the priesthood.

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Fr. Michael, MSsCc and get to know him more!

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Episode 44: "The End to Come..."| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 13.24-32] this Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Hearing and knowing about the end which is to come while we do not know as when it all will take place, it should lead us to hope. History and time as we know it will come to an end and the face of the earth will ultimately be renewed in God’s time and ways.” He continued by saying: “The coming of our Saviour, ‘the Son of Man,’ is not something that to be feared. We should long for it with joyful expectation and hopeful anticipation.”

Claudia Betz shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “The first was the very last part of the Gospel reading, when Jesus says, ‘no one knows the hour.’ For me it is calling me to trust in the Lord, not to worry about what’s coming in the future but to really be present in the moment…if we are doing what God is asking us to do, we don’t have to be scared of anything…” She also said, “the other part was about the fig tree – how we know what season it is, when the figs are in season. It helped reflect…it is beautiful that we have seasons in a year and also the Liturgical Year that we get to reflect about death and dying…”

When asked what to consider as we end this current Liturgical Year and begin anew, Claudia mentioned: “Don’t be destructed by all the commotions getting ready for Christmas and then, there is not time spent with the Lord. A new Liturgical Year is a space, an opportunity to make more time to be with the Lord. Carve out time to make time with the Lord – be conscious have that time to be with the Lord.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Claudia Betz, pastoral assistant at St. Mary’s Parish.

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Episode 43: Absolute Trust in God| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 12.38-44] this Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Even in this present time, we need to be watchful of those who are using the name of religion, to get special favors from others. Even in this present age, there are people who take advantage of the weaknesses of others to benefit them… The action of the poor widow did not only speak of her sincere generosity but also her total giving implied her absolute trust in God.”

Aprilyn Cano shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “The message about generosity and being grateful – generosity is not about the amount of money that you give, or you received, but it is about the heart behind it. I am very struck of that because I can apply that in my life experience…in the year 2022, there was a very tragic event that happened to my husband, I have received a lot of help from so many people…I was very grateful for that help whether financially, emotionally, spiritually they extended their help to me…” When asked of words of encouragement so that others may strengthened their faith and trust in the Lord, April mentioned: “Be always surrounded by people who encourage you and always remind yourself that you are not alone, there is God…always talk to God; communicate with him; share your worries, your doubts, your desires…always remember that God is in control. Be always grateful with the small and big things that you have in your life and always acknowledge that everything comes from God…” Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Aprilyn Cano, an immigrant, a young widow, a mother of one, parishioner of the cathedral.

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Episode 42: The First Commandment | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 12.28-34] on this Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary time, Year B. He mentioned, “Jesus concisely sums up the commandments. He combines both love of God and love of neighbor as intrinsically inseparable…Why is it important to know that the first or the greatest commandment is to love God? It is because next to knowing is doing. Our knowledge of it should lead us to action. In addition to that, the love of God should take supreme of all our loving so that it directs the standard of all our loving – everything else in our lives will flow from the love of God…”

Rachelle Delorey shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “It is about us loving from the two greatest commandments – to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and also love our neighbors like we love ourselves…We think that loving someone is easy. But it isn’t. It is easy when someone is easy to get along with but it is hard when its someone who is giving you’re a rough time, someone who is not pleasant with you or your family – those once are the hardest to love but God wants us to love them…”

When asked if she has any advise for others how to apply in their lives the two greatest commandments, Rachelle mentioned: “I know that we will always fall…we have to realize that God knows our soul and when you mean it that you want to really do your best, and God knows that we are telling the truth, and so, if you fail just get back up and do what is best and go with your hear and know that God is there to guide you.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Rachelle Delorey!

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Episode 41: His Faith Made Him Well | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 10: 46-52] for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “In the Gospel, Jesus gave a recovery of sight to the blind man named, Bartimaeus. This is another fulfillment of Jesus’ mission.” He also went on to describe Bartimaeus by saying: “Bartimaeus was attentive to the presence of Jesus; He demonstrated an attitude of persistence to encounter Jesus; He knows Jesus will make huge difference in his life; Bartimaeus knows that Jesus has the power to heal him, but he also believes that Jesus is the anointed of God who has come to inaugurate the reign of God.”

Michael Sutherland shared what struck him in the Gospel. He said: “That the blind man knew who Jesus was; how would he know him? I had to assume that someone told him or more likely, the Holy Spirit told him because he called him the Son of David.”

Michael Sutherland shared what struck him in the Gospel. He said: “That the blind man knew who Jesus was; how would he know him? I had to assume that someone told him or more likely, the Holy Spirit told him because he called him the Son of David.”

Michael also shared that he trusts Christ just like he trust God the Father – they are the same. And then he shared at least two stories of trust, faith in the Lord and encountered with him, namely (1) story at around Christmas time when he was a child i.e. prayed for snow and it arrived on actual Christmas day; (2) story about finding where the cathedral church is located.

Lastly, Michael shared at least two advises to deepen trust and faith in the Lord: “(1) pray everyday; (2) and read the Bible – those are two ways you’ll get to know God; and if you don’t know, eventually he will explain it to you.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the faith sharing of Michael, parishioner and volunteer at the cathedral.

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Episode 40: Not to be Served but to Serve | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 10.35-45] for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. He mentioned: “The disciples of Jesus still do not get it; they do not yet understand what Jesus was telling them. This is despite of prior teachings that Jesus taught them. But Jesus does not lose patience with them.” Towards the end, Fr. Rector added: “When we look at the life of our Lord Jesus, he had shown us that he did not only speak about service, humility, denying oneself, enduring suffering, carrying the cross – he, himself lived it. In other words, Jesus, the Son of God, exemplified for all what he taught; he modeled for everyone how to give justice to the truth of belongingness to the reign of God.”

Myrna Ramos Colley shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said, “I cannot be the person, that I want to be beside Jesus; on either side, I don’t have that experience to be that…I try to only serve but I don’t think it will be enough to be beside him; I only walk with him…” Father Rector commented: “…when we think of the words of our Lord Jesus, we are not the ones designating ourselves of our positions…if it’s for us, the Lord himself will give it to us in due time…”

When asked how she will encourage others to be of service to the church and to all our brothers and sisters, Myrna mentioned: “by way of believing in the faith and keeping God first…that’s how I survived…I encourage people to find faith within them and everyday, just water it and it will just keep on growing…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the sharing of Myrna, parishioner and volunteer at the cathedral.

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Episode 39: Gratuitous Gift of God | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 10.17-30] on this Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Following God is not just a matter of knowing and obeying the commandments; it is also a matter of removing anything in our lives that could hinder us from completely giving ourselves to him. In other words, following Jesus also requires our action to detach ourselves from anything that takes us away from him…we came to this world naked and with nothing. It is good to remind ourselves that we will all leave this world with nothing.” Towards the end, he added: “Even while we are still alive, we will receive corresponding blessings from above; and if we continue to persevere until the end, we will enjoy the beautiful promise of eternal life.”

Fr. Venerando Sabacan shared how he presents to his listeners the promise of eternal life. He said: “The offer of salvation is a gift from God.“ He read John 3.16. He added, “we need to keep emphasizing the fact that the offer of salvation is a gift from God…we don’t merit that gift because we are sinners…but God is so gracious to offer that gift…when we look at the crucifix, it reminds us that free gift is offered to everyone…”

Fr. Venerando also briefly shared his vocation story. He said it started when he was in Grade 3. Later on, he was invited to come to Prince George, BC, Canada together with Fr. Rectorino.

Watch and listen! Get to know Fr. Venerando Sabacan, Pastor of Notre Dame Parish, Dawson Creek, BC. Be inspired from his reflection and faith sharing!

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Episode 38: In God's Original Plan... | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 10.2-16] on this Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. He mentioned: “God’s original intention was that men and women would become one flesh in marriage; And that in God’s design, man and woman live together in unity, in companionship, in partnership and not be separated. That is God’s original plan for man and woman whom he created.” Toward the end, he mentioned: “God intended for women and men to be joined together in marriage. And among the purposes of marriage is the raising of children. By welcoming children and fostering their relationship with God, parents and families bear witness to the Kingdom of God.”

Gerald and Lynn Loehndorf, shared what struck them in the Gospel. Lynn mentioned, “The fact that Jesus was trying to get us to understand that if we have hearts and minds like little children and worked together with each other that divorce would not be even anything of whatever happened; but the constant working together with him, with us in our marriage.”
Gerald mentioned, “Jesus was trying to tell us that we have to remain faithful to our spouse and for those people who are not faithful to their spouses, they cannot get married again because they will be committing adultery…” 

Gerald and Lynn had been married for 61 years now. They shared joys and challenges in their married life. When asked of their advice for those who are preparing to get married and are already married, they each mentioned: (1) To be honest with each other; (2) To talk and know that you both have expectations in life and goals; (3) To accept the other person as they are; (4) They should be willing to forgive and forget; (5) Be willing to listen to what the other has to say; (6) Learn to laugh and love each other; (7) Tell each other daily, communicate many times that you love each other.

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Gerald and Lynn Loehndorf!

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Episode 37: Whoever is not against us is for us | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 9.38-43,45,47-48] on this Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Today, we remind ourselves: while we are called to be collaborators, companions, co-workers of the Lord in his vineyard, there might be others too who are quietly fulfilling the same work but are not directly identified with Jesus. Hence, the work is not exclusive to us. We should not consider them enemies but rather, we can pray that soon enough they will be in full union with Jesus and the church that he founded. Secondly, we need to remember that we shouldn’t be a stumbling block for anyone to know and follow the Lord. Instead, at all times and seasons, we are to lead them to Jesus. Lastly, the constant invitation to a life of conversion – to a life of holiness – as followers, believers, and disciples of our Lord Jesus, our lives must be in conformity to his teachings, lifestyle and values."

Vanya Pfannmuller shares what struck her in the Gospel. She mentioned: "“The sense of having to allow to be working out the salvation of every person; the sense of not being able to judge the path of different people…often times, we need to step back and allow God to be working in people’s lives – how he chooses, how he needs to work out their salvation…and I am always move by Jesus’ love for little children, that sense of love for me…if we can keep our gaze on Jesus and allowing him to work in us…to really allow God to be pouring out his love on us; and us responding as a child and to have that kind of openness for him to be working differently in other people…”

Vanya also shared her respond to a the question: "Have you had an experience wherein you were confused if the works of a particular person or group is consistent or not to the church’s teachings? What happen? How did you handle it?" Watch and listen to her response.

In the end, Vanya gave an advise as to how we can trace the path of holiness. She mentioned, “…allowing charity to be our rule; staying close to Christ (that will help us to be non-judgmental); and to have that energy to learn the faith; to seek Christ’s forgiveness; to be childlike; living Christ’s love and getting close to prayer…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and strengthen in the faith from the sharing of Vanya Pfannmuller.

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Episode 36, SPECIAL EDITION: Greatest in the Kingdom... | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 9.30-37] on this Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “The disciples themselves have their own weak limitations; they were not perfect; they did not always understand Jesus and his teachings; but up to this point – they kept on following Jesus and Jesus continue to allow them to follow him… Jesus is imparting here very important teachings for those who want to continue to follow him: humility and service…” In the end, Fr. Rector added: “Jesus himself is the true model of greatness: He came to serve not to be served. He took the form of a servant, lowering himself, to share our human nature that he might raise us up and make us partakers in His divinity.”

Mark Angelo SG. Mendoza, junior architect, young professional from the Philippines shares what struck him in the Gospel. He mentioned: “When Jesus said, ‘whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all,’ because Jesus is emphasizing here the value of humility and serving.”

When, asked how he had been influenced by the Gospel values so far. Mark responded by saying, “as a young professional, who is passionate about architecture, the teachings of Jesus about greatness rooted in humility and service influenced me. Architect has the power in creating space, enhance human experience, and promote well-being. By these, it demonstrate the greatness by serving people, giving them the comfortability that they deserve on how they want to live the life to be better…For me as an architect, giving that chance of having the power of gifting the people what they deserve…it is truly a privilege for me having this opportunity on giving some advise on what I learned about my profession and helps them to live a quality of living…architect is a profession that serves the community…”

Towards the end, Mark mentioned he will encourage others to also share their talents and abilities and embrace the values of the Gospel by: (1) “actions speak louder than words,” by living out the Gospel in humility; (2) as a gen Z, I am more on technology. So, I can encourage them thru the social media to serve the Lord.

Watch and listen and be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Mark Angelo SG. Mendoza!

Mark is the lay-out artist and video editor of the cathedral parish. He is the person behind all of Fr. Rector’s social media presence and other cathedral promotional materials (i.e. posters and prayer cards). He used to be an altar server but now he is actively serving in the different churches by providing his expertise in architecture.

NB: GOSPEL TEXT CORRECTION @ 1:10 went on not wh en on

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Episode 35, SPECIAL EDITION: Who do you say that I am? | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Monsignor Jesus-Romulo Ranada of the Diocese of Novaliches reflects on the Gospel [Mark 8.27-35] on this Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “The way of Jesus is the way of the Cross…we have a mission to proclaim Christ in word and in deed to the world….” In addition Msgr. Ranada said: “The vocation of every Christian, of a true follower of Jesus is to give witness to Christ…the joy of being a disciple is to participate fully in the Paschal Mystery of Christ.”

Fr. Rector, taking from the suggestion of his production team from the Philippines went to the different streets of Quezon City and asked the people randomly, “Do you know Jesus?” “What is your relationship with Jesus?”

He was able to ask the above questions to the following: gasoline attendant, street vendor, beggar, security guard and a homeless with his dog.

At the end, Fr. Rector made a comment, “it brings joy to know that generally most people knew of Jesus and that they have a relationship with him…”

Watch and listen. Be inspired from the reflection of Msgr. Jesus-Romulo Ranada and from the responses of random people from the streets of Quezon City, Philippines!

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Episode 34, SPECIAL EDITION: Bring others to Jesus! | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector reflects on the Gospel [Mark 7:31-37] on this Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned the importance of the people who brought the deaf and mute man to Jesus: "They took the initiative. They made an effort. They begged Jesus...Here, we see their faith in Jesus...we, who believe in Jesus can bring others to him for healing, for conversion, and for anything that would make life of those we bring to Jesus free from what enslaves them."

In addition, Father Rector mentioned: "God's healing acts involve time; God in the person of Jesus is close to us. He is not distant; God can use anything to deliver his healing power. He can use people, events in our lives, or objects around us..."

Mrs. Rosalia Tolentino, mother of Father Rector was the guest on this episode. It was a privileged moment for Fr. Rector to interview his own mother.

In this interview, Mrs. Tolentino responded to the following questions: What Scripture passages she loves most? What is the content of the prayer of a 91-year-old woman? How often does she pray?

Mrs. Tolentino was also asked a tough question: how does she want to be remembered if and when she left this world?

Watch and listen to the sharing and wisdom of Mrs. Tolentino!

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Episode 33: Be doers of the Word | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector


Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [Mark 7.1-8,14-15,21-23] on this Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “For Jesus lips and hearts are meant to be integrated…rituals and traditions must be connected to real life. They should help us in our relationship with God and holiness of life. Our rituals and traditions should lead us towards salvation. That means, life with God…” He concluded by saying: “May the rituals and traditions that we observe in the church help us in our relationship with God and with one another. I end with the words from St. James, ‘be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.’”

Stephen Brian Tolentino Mariano, a young professional from the Philippines shares what struck him on the Gospel. He said: “When Jesus did not answer directly the Pharisees…but rather Jesus teaches them a lesson about consistency. Some people are juts following through their lips but not through their hearts…we must follow the Lord more than words, with actions!”

When asked what tradition in the church he finds enriching his faith, he responded: “We have so much traditions about being Catholics in the Philippines, but my favourite or what I love the most is when we celebrate the feast of the saints because it shows devotion, passion, and the love of every Filipino…those saints inspire them to be closer to God.”

When asked how would you encourage others to be closer to Jesus. He responded: “As a young professional, all I can do is to inspire them, guide them, lead them with my story of faith. I can share to them my experiences of being an altar server…[tell them stories, activities we do, the bond and friendship we build in the church]…but I believe the relationship with the Lord starts within themselves…”

Lastly, Stephen Brian mentioned, “if you want to be more closer to God, you have to start it within yourself. Go to Masses; pray; join every church organization you like…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the sharing of Stephen Brian Tolentino Mariano, a young professional from the Philippines!

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Episode 32: Do you also wish to go away? | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [John 6.53,60-69] this Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time, B. He mentioned: “Jesus is consistent with his claim: He is the Bread of Life that came down from heaven; partaking of his flesh and blood means communion with Him; Only those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will benefit from the life that God wants to give…This firm and consistent statements of Jesus was met with divided responses…We, too, have to make up our mind about Jesus and his claim that He is the Bread Life. “Do you also wish to go away? The decision is ours…Choosing Jesus will bring us deeper and deeper into the mystery of the Eucharist that we are generously offered at every Mass.”

Leonora ‘Bon’ Lavarias shared what struck her in the Gospel. She said: “The word of eternal life…it means for me, the forever. Forever is Jesus…”

When asked what’s the importance of attending Mass for her, she responded: “spending time with the Lord and nourish my faith, and receiving Eucharist, actually its very important for me because I was baptized and my parents thought me how to pray and to know God…Mass makes me stronger; if I am not attending Mass, its incomplete – my day, my everything…receiving the Eucharist is very important for me because I am receiving life...Its always in my mind that if you are receiving the Eucharist you should be prepared, your mind is with him, your heart is open...”

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the faith testimony of Bon Lavarias!

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Episode 31: Food for our Journey | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Fr. Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [John 6.51-58] this Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, B. He mentioned: “Jesus offers his flesh and blood for our spiritual nourishment and as food for our journey to heaven. We experience it now, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It is Jesus Christ himself – his body, blood, soul, divinity that we receive in Holy Communion…” He added: “We are pilgrims in this world. Our Lord truly cares for us, and he wants us to journey back to the Father. He gives us himself – flesh and blood in the Eucharist. May we receive Jesus’ gift of himself with faith and gratitude confident that we will be raised up on the last day and we will live with him in heaven forever.”

Ray and Cecille Verian share what struck them in the Gospel. For Ray, he said: “It came from v.51 that says, ‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever…’ despite of our human nature, God continue to invite us to believe his word…” For Cecille, she said: “v.56, when Jesus said, ‘Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abide in me, and I in them.’ This speaks of the Eucharist, of the union between Christ and believers.”

When asked as to how they put significance in the participation of the Mass and receiving the Eucharist, they each responded. For Ray, “It inspires us to see families praying together…and I do believe in the passage, ‘safety is not the absence of danger, but you can find it in the presence of God.’ So going to Mass allows us to feel the presence of God…receiving the Eucharist, it unites us to Christ…he provides us strength, and unconditional love.” For Cecille, “By participating in the Mass regularly, it reminds us that we are united in a larger faith community, not only ourselves. It reminds us also that we are one in a shared purpose and belonging…”

Ray and Cecille also gave ways as to how we can encourage others to appreciate the Mass: (1) By example; Allowing others to see Christ’s presence in us (life of witness); (2) Share personal experiences encouraging them that whenever our relationship with God is deeper, whatever difficulties that we encounter, it will be resolved with God and his providence; (3) we can pray for them too. Prayer is one way of encouraging unbelievers to come to Jesus and know him…

Watch and listen! Be inspired from the reflection and sharing of Ray and Cecille Verian, parishioners and members of the Couples for Christ!

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Episode 30: Gift to the World | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [John 6.41-51] on this Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Many people want to live a longer life...Jesus offers not only prolongation of life rather an eternal life. Meaning, to live forever with God in heaven. He only asked his listeners to accept him, to believe in him, to receive him and his teachings…” The Eucharist is God’s gift to the world. As Jesus said: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

Father Alvin Matias shares ‘complains’ or doubts that he heard from the people he serves regarding the Sacrament of the Eucharist. He said: “The complains of the people during the time of our Lord Jesus Christ are somehow similar to the complains now – Who is this? What kind of authority or power? In our present time, people would say, ‘that’s not the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.’ There is still this idea that it’s a symbol or a representation…” He addressed this ‘concerns or complains’ by leading back the people to the words of our Lord Jesus from the Sacred Scripture. He said: “When Jesus took the bread and said, ‘this is my body’…the same thing with the chalice filled with wine, Jesus said ‘this is my blood’…Jesus did not say its just a representation.” For him, the concern about the real presence is still present today.

Father Alvin also shares about his missionary journey as a priest for 11 years now. He mentioned, “unworthy that I am, I believed God chose me for this vocation…without the grace of God, I don’t think I can do it…”

When asked about advises to the people for a greater reverence to Jesus’ presence in Sacrament of the Eucharist, Father Alvin mentioned: “we are not just simply receiving a bread, we are receiving our Lord Jesus Christ – Body, Blood, Soul, Divinity…when we come, let’s make sure we are really worthy to receive our Lord. And when we say ‘amen’ we should really mean it.”

Father Rector summarizes it by saying: (1) “that’s another beautiful way of saying ‘prepare yourself before you come to Mass and receive the Lord.’ (2) to humble ourselves in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. (3) Be intentional to be present – arrive on time!”

Watch and listen! Get to know Father Alvin Matias and be inspired from his insights and sharing!

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Episode 29: Give Us This Bread Always | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [John 6.24-35] on this Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “For those who follow Jesus, we should not be contented only by filling up our stomach. While physical nourishment is vital for us to live, salvation of our soul is also equally important…Jesus is the true bread from heaven. He is the source of life. It is faith in him that will satisfy our deepest hungers and thirsts.” Like the followers of Jesus as narrated in the Gospel, may we also express our desire to receive him and say, “give us this bread always.”

Maritess Adriano, Core Leader, Feast Light (PG), shares what struck her in the Gospel. She mentioned: “What struck me the most is that the Lord says, ‘whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty’…the faith that we have in Jesus is the key to eternal life; it encourages believers to focus not mere on temporal needs but also the spiritual nourishment and the grace of the Lord…”

Maritess shares as well that she came from an abusive relationship. She was a battered wife. Yet, that was also the time when she personally encountered the Lord. She said: “I encountered God personally when I hit rock bottom. It was like coming home from a long journey. I regained my self-worth, my self-esteem because when I found God, (in a community where I belong right now) I found God who works in mysterious ways…and with the help of people around me.”

In this interview, Maritess also promotes The Feast Light in Prince George that she initiated with several others who continue to benefit from being part of the same Catholic charismatic group. She invites those who are still searching for a ‘community’ to consider ‘The Feast Light (PG)’.

Watch and listen and be inspired from the sharing of Maritess Adriano!

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Episode 28: Miracle Out of Little | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel [John 6.1-15] on this Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “In this miracle of multiplication of loaves and fishes, we see sign of God’s providence, God’s care, God’s love…when we offer to the Lord whatever we have no matter how small or little it may be [like that of the five barley loaves and two fish], miracle could happen. In the end, if they are offered wholeheartedly with both hands and grateful hearts, we know, according to this Gospel story, ‘there will be satisfaction…there will even be left over’.” He added, “In the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, the multiplication of loaves and fishes continue to happen.”

Adam Hrankowski shares what struck him in the Gospel but first he mentioned: “I want to comment on an interpretation I heard of this that I disagree with…that people already have enough food with them but what Jesus did was that he said ‘let’s just start sharing…but really what Jesus is doing here with the feeding of five thousand is showing that God cares about us but in the physical. He is not just like a philosophy. He is taking care of the physical needs of this that are listening to him…he had fed them spiritually…” As to what struck him in the Gospel, Adam mentioned: “God cares about me, and he cares not just about teaching me good stuff…he cares about my needs all of them – body, soul, and spirit.”

Father Rector commented: “A miracle is like a mystery, there are elements there that are not explainable. Give to God what is due to God. Jesus is able to perform that miracle because he is Jesus.”

When asked, ‘what does this miracle of feeding the five thousand tells him about Jesus and his faith in him?’ Adam responded: “Jesus is more than capable of taking care of me and God is able to intervene in ways that are very surprising…and he does it more than we are aware…”

Father Rector responded: “God, indeed, does more things than this, and he continue to do so beyond our knowing…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and strengthen in your faith from the sharing of Adam Hrankowski!

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Episode 27: Commune with the Lord... | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 6.30-34) on this Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “As soon as the apostles returned from their mission, they gathered around Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught…This is an important gesture on the part of the apostles, that we, present disciples can imitate. We need to constantly return to Jesus, speak to him, and listen to him. And from him, we will draw continual source of strength, courage, and determination to carry on with our mission. The celebration of the Eucharist is the very fitting avenue for us to return to the Lord, to gather with him, and to give him an accounting of the tasks we have completed and are still carrying out…”

Father Johmer Faderanga, in-charge of St. Theresa’s Mission* shared about his missionary journey. He said: “St. Theresa’s Mission is the farthest place [of ministry] and the time of travel is the longest and the road is rough and risky…but it is where I was sent and it is where I meant to be – to serve the family of the First Nations, to be the hand and the heart of God in their midst…The profound historical recollection of the elders: they are truly grateful and blessed of the presence of the religious, the priests or even nuns who have come before me…”

Father Johmer also expressed his gratitude to Catholic Missions in Canada and the Diocesan Appeal (Called Together: Giving, Sharing, Serving) for their unwavering support to this mission. He added: “with strength provided by God I can do with all my heart the mission entrusted to me.” He has been fulfilling St. Theresa’s Mission for seven years now and counting…

*St. Theresa’s Mission includes four communities: Fort Babine, Takla, Fort Ware, and Tsay Keh.

Father Rector responded: “You mentioned earlier, how the elders described the missionaries before you or before our time…they remember them so much, you will be remembered so much by them too! Because of the fact that they are far away, in obedience to the bishop you go and you fulfill what’s being asked of you; it speaks a lot not only of yourself but also of the church, that even if these people are far away, we have you representing the church to them…even if they are on the periphery, there you are, reaching to them, delivering God’s message and there I am sure you also meet the Lord.”

When asked what are his regular ‘outlets’ or what sustains him in continuously giving himself in the ministry, Father Johmer mentioned three things that he carried with him in his missionary journey, namely: (1) Prayer; (2) the people and the community that he serves; (3) longings and hopes of the people…

At the end, Father Rector thanks Fr. Johmer by saying: “thank you for sharing with us your experience, we can assure you of our prayers and the people you serve…let this interview also be an appeal to continue to support Catholic Missions in Canada and our own Diocesan Appeal…”

Watch and listen, get to know Father Johmer Faderanga and his missionary journey!

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Episode 26: Called and Sent | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 6.7-13) on this Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Jesus did not just go among the villages teaching, He also summoned the Twelve and sent them out two by two. This meant that those who are called and sent will never be alone. The Lord gives us companion, co-workers, collaborators in the mission. And accordingly, Jesus also gave them authority over the unclean spirits. In other words, those who are called by Jesus become extensions of Himself, they become sharers of the mission of Jesus…” In addition, Father Rector mentioned: “Those who were called by Jesus are to proceed with consciousness in mind that they are to depend on the providence of God; Their preaching will usher peace to the receptive household, but can also be a testimony against those who refuse to welcome and listen to them; The message of salvation is to be given as a gift.”

Father Prabhakar Thadigatle from the Society of St. Eugene de Mazenod shared his vocation story. He mentioned, “At the age of six, my parents put me in the ‘hostels,’ which is run by missionaries, the Roman Catholic priests. There as a child I saw a priest having a white cassock…in hands there was a rosary, and I looked at him, I was thinking maybe ‘he is God.’ Then during my stay, I was impressed and inspired that I should see Jesus and Mother Mary physically because my catechism teachers have told me about Jesus and Mother Mary…I was thinking that these priests always mean Jesus, always mean Mother Mary, physically and directly. Then, thereafter, I said, ‘I must become that priest…’

When asked what kind of preparation he had done before coming to Canada, he responded: “Initially I dropped the idea of coming to Canada. By God’s grace, the Prince George Diocese, through the bishop had given us an invitation. Then, once again I thought of coming to Canada as a missionary…I google about Canada and the Diocese of Prince George; I began to seek Canadian news…I also began to think in early days many missionaries from Europe had come to Asian countries like India...they don’t know about the language, food, culture, and people but they worked a lot as good missionaries and spread the Word of Jesus to many people…they become my inspirations…I prepared mentally, physically to face the challenges…I prayed a lot…”

Father Rector asked him: “How do you face people who do not welcome you and the Good News that you bring? Father Prabhakar responded: “…Jesus never rejected the people, he loves them…I always believe he has called us, and he is with us…even if my enemy comes to me, I just smile…”

At the end, Father Rector thanked Father Prabhakar and wished him all the best, he said: “the people at St. Andrew’s Parish and Missions in Fraser Lake should look forward to meeting and welcoming Father Prabhakar, SDM because he is coming as a humble, joyful, simple priest who will journey with the people….”

Watch and listen, get to know Father Prabhakar, SDM and his missionary journey!

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Episode 25: Don't be discouraged! | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 6: 1-6) for the Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “The people around Jesus have seen and heard firsthand the teachings being presented by Jesus and yet they were not receptive of Jesus and his message. Because they were sizing him up; they were measuring him; they were putting him in a box…Despite of this sad episode though, the Scripture told us: ‘he laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them…Then he went about among the villages teaching.’ This meant that nothing could stop Jesus from doing what needs to be done! That is to continue to proclaim the Kingdom of God, the reign of God, the love, mercy and compassion of God!” Father Rector continued by saying: “Do not be discouraged when in doing the tasks of bringing the Good News to those around us, we experience non-receptivity or rejection. Remember, our Lord Jesus himself had experienced being rejected and yet, he did not allow that to be an obstacle for him to fulfill his mission.”

Mark Macapinlac share what struck him in the Gospel, he said: “…the fact that even when Christ returned to his hometown to preach the Gospel, to work more miracles, that his very own people were the ones that doubted him…”

When asked if he had encountered any difficulties or challenges along the way of fulfilling his prophetic ministry, Mark responded by saying: “…in my own personal life, this particular Gospel teaching is so relevant right now…it saddens me a lot to see that there are a lot of people that I grew up with especially those in my family that no longer practice the faith…we (me and my wife) try to witness to the faith as much as possible and in the moment speak the truth of Christ and so often we find that…the ones we love the most seem to reject all the time. And we know that at the end of the day…our job is to witness to the truth of the Lord, to plant the seed and to let the Holy Spirit work within their lives. Maybe we just need to an example to them. Maybe down the road they are able to see how we live our lives…”

Father Rector responded, “if the people around us see that we are consistent with what we are doing because of our belief; because of our faith; then, eventually with their own accord and of course, with the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, there will be conversion that will happen. This is really God’s work, that we are called to participate. So, when we are feeling discouraged that the people around us seems to be not receptive or accepting of our message, then, we look at the life’s events of our Lord Jesus. He, himself had experienced rejection…”

Mark also shares his own joy in serving the Lord. He said, “The Lord has call me to serve in the capacity of serving young people. What brings me a lot of joy is seeing young people encounter Christ, most of the time, for the first time. And it allows me to relive the moments early on in my faith journey and it’s a reminder of how God’s love is unceasing and relentless…seeing how some of these kids become the catalyst for their entire family to become more faithful to Christ…”

At the end, Father Rector thanked Mark for his time, his sharing, and his commitment to support the church especially in the aspect of youth ministry. Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged from the sharing of Mark Macapinlac.

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Episode 24: Have Faith in Him! | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 5:21-43) for the Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He highlighted the following: “(1) Faith in Jesus is important; (2) Physical proximity or closeness to Jesus matters; (3) The healing that is offered by Jesus is more than just a physical healing. It includes spiritual healing, wholeness.”

Sonny & Dina Plaza share what struck them in the Gospel. For Sonny, he said: “When Jesus said, ‘Do not fear, only believe.’ It means we need to be stronger in our faith. Don’t be afraid and just believe Him.” For Dina, she said: “The reading in itself is amazing in its entirety…what struck me the most is when Jesus said to the woman [who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years], ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.’ It struck me because the woman was healed because of what she believes. She was healed because of her faith in Jesus.”

Father Rector responded by saying: “really this story is an invitation to put our faith in Jesus. He has authority over heaven and earth. He has the power to give back life even to those who are no longer alive."

Sonny & Dina also narrated about healing experiences brought by Jesus in their lives as a couple and as individual. Sonny recalled, them as a couple wanted a child soon but in God’s plan however, it is different. He was working outside their home country then and the doctor prescribed that he needed to take some medications/supplements to help in their aspiration to have a child soon. But then suddenly, he heard news from his wife, that she’s pregnant and that he no longer needed to take the prescriptions. He expressed the fact that he was so grateful to God that their prayers were answered. Dinna on the other hand mentioned, “I think God healed me in many ways: forgiving, acceptance, and realizing that everything that’s happening in me is in His plan…I am in my happiest state in my life now. I thank God. But before that there were people who betrayed me, there were experiences when I was single that I asked the Lord, ‘Lord, why are you giving these to me? We are serving you. Why is this happening to me, to my family…?’ Recalling those experiences today, I realize ‘God has plans why he let me experience those. So that right now, I am grateful for what I have because I had experienced those in the past.’”

Father Rector received their narrative and said: “When we experience something that our prayers are answered, it brings joy; it brings delight to our hearts. In his own time, he answers our prayers and heals our infirmities…” He added: “It is good to be able to recognize the different states in life where we are in…even if God gives us something that is not so happy, he must have something planned out of that. With God, he can translate even our bad experiences into something good…”

Dina & Sonny also shared points encouraging others to have faith in God even in difficult times. These are: (1) Pray always (2) Keep the faith; (3) Don’t loose hope; (4) Hear/Attend Mass every Sunday; (5) Involve our family to help us in our spiritual growth; (6) Seek the help of the community to assist us in growing our faith.

At the end Father Rector thanked Sonny and Dina for their time, their sharing, and their constant support to their children in serving the church.

Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged from the sharing of Sonny and Dina, active members of our parish and Couples for Christ!

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Episode 23: He is in control! | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 35-41) for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Storms are given facts of life…In our life’s journey, there will always be something that either shakes us or frightens us… Let us not neglect the fact that Jesus is with us, he sails with us, he is in the boat with us. Jesus is with us, asking us, in the midst of the storms in life: “Why are you afraid?”

Ramon and Jovelyn Dulay share what struck them in the Gospel: For Ramon, he said: “What struck me in the Gospel is that even the sea and wind obey Jesus. Meaning, God is in control of everything…” For Jovelyn, she said: “When God rebuked the wind and said, ‘Peace and be still!’…that means that God can bring peace to any storm that comes to our life, no matter how big or small they are; we just have to trust God…”

When asked about the storms that they have encountered in their life as a couple and how they have faced it, they each responded, [Jovelyn] “The most unforgettable storm that happened in our life as married couple is that when I was pregnant with my first child…I was told by my doctor and specialist that I am carrying a baby that has a down syndrome and they suggested that we should terminate my pregnancy…I was wrapped with fear and worries…I cried myself to sleep everyday…but I know that I got no control over it and I know that it is also against my belief to follow the doctor’s suggestion…we held into God’s promise, we trusted our faith…I lift up everything to him; I surrender everything…” [Ramon] “That time…I feel everything will be ok, just lift it to God and everything will be fine…”

Father Rector responded by saying: “It is important that first, we are able to recognize the storms that come to our lives; then, pray to God, seek the help of others…so that we can handle the storms and face them with faith in the Lord…we can only put things into his hands if we have faith and trust in him…” He also commented by saying: “whether the child will come out with down syndrome or not, we will keep the baby because the baby is a gift of life; a gift from God; that one thing to realize; we do not have control over what others will advise us; but we have control over what we will follow in terms of their advises…in our decisions in life we should always be guided by our faith and relationship with the Lord…”

At the end Father Rector thanked Ramon and Jovelyn for their time, their sharing, and their constant support to their children in serving the church. Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged from the sharing of Ramon and Jovelyn, members of Couples for Christ!

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Episode 22, SPECIAL EDITION: Let Go and Let God! | The Word of the Lord with Cardinal Thomas Collins

This week, Father Rector is on retreat together with the clergy of the Diocese of Prince George. The clergy retreat is being facilitated by His Eminence, Cardinal Thomas Collins, the retired Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto.

Father Rector took this visit of Cardinal Thomas Collins in the Diocese of Prince George as a chance to seek the Cardinal's wisdom. And so, this week's episode of 'The Word of the Lord with Father Rector' presents a SPECIAL EDITION, 'The Word of the Lord with Cardinal Thomas Collins.

Cardinal Thomas reflects on the Gospel (Mark 4.26-34) for the Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. He mentioned: "Our Lord speaks to us about the Kingdom of God and about the reality of being close to the Lord God...and we, in our own lives, we make ourselves into little kings here and there. We try to take control of things all the time; and that has its place sometimes in life. But then, there are lots of things in life we cannot control...We need to look at the way in which God is in control. Everything is in his hands. And so, our Lord speaks of seeds and things in that nature like the little mustard seed; so small and we can't make it grow faster...same thing with the person sowing on the ground, the farmer isn't going there pulling on the seed to make it grow faster. There are limits on the things we can do...I think what our Lord is telling us is that a lot of things in life we need to surrender into the hand of God. He will make them flourish...Remember, when we say the Lord's prayer, we don't say 'my kingdom come,' 'my will be done.' We say, 'thy kingdom come,' 'thy will be done.' We surrender to the power of God, to the plan of God, the providence of God. We are in his hands and he loves us...."

At the end, Father Rector thanked the Cardinal for agreeing to break open The Word for us.

Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged from the wisdom of Cardinal Thomas Collins!

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Episode 21: Discern God's Will | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 3.20-25) for the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. He mentioned: “Keep in mind that when we are persevering to do what is right, what is good, what is beautiful, and what is holy, the devil is also equally at work to pull us to another direction. Be clear with your very identity and mission. Stay connected to the ONE who had given you that identity of being adapted children of God; in the same way, that our Lord Jesus, in the Gospel remain true to his identity and very clear about his mission of fulfilling the will of the Father.”

Joel and Hazel Piano share what struck them in the Gospel: For Joel, he said: “When after the crowd questioned him and ridiculed Jesus, he responded with humility and calmness. He did not resort to self-justification because he knew that he did not need to explain himself to the crowd, as he knows the Father is the only and who truly knows him.” For Hazel, she said: “When Jesus said that whoever believes in him is his brother, his sister, and his mother…”

When asked if there has been instance in their life as an individual or as a couple where they have doubted the power of God, they each mentioned: [Hazel] “I am grateful because early on in my life, I have come to know and learn about God. From there on, I have established my faith in him…he remained to be a faithful God to myself and to my family.” [Joel] “I will be hypocrite if I say, ‘no, I did not doubt God before because of the situation of my family.’ My father, he has a second family…they are calling me bastard. That’s why I doubted God. I got my faith when I married Hazel. She’s always there for me. She prayed for me…”

Father Rector responded by saying: [to Hazel] “That’s a real statement of faith. And even if sometimes we doubted, we can always pray for the gift of faith; the gift of clarity of mind; the gift of enlightenment…[to Joel] that’s a very honest and straightforward response…there could be instances in our lives, maybe not now, maybe down the road. But in your situation before you got married, there where those situations where you have doubted the Lord. It is important that we are able to say that and recognize that because when we recognize our own doubts, our own moments of darkness and struggles, before the Lord, the Lord himself will be there to rescue us. It is either thru an event in our lives or thru a person…who will bring us to a point of enlightenment…it is important that we recognize these things because it is God’s special moments of revelation to us…”

In the end Father Rector thanked Joel and Hazel for their time, their sharing, and their constant support to him and the cathedral parish.

Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged from the sharing of Joel and Hazel, members of Couples for Christ!

Youtube link:


Episode 20: Intimacy with God | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 14.12-16,22-26) for the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). He mentioned: “The sacrifice of Jesus’ Body and Blood for us…is an everlasting sign that God in the person of Jesus wants to be forever related with us, that God wants intimacy with us, and that he loves us so deeply that he gave his own body and blood for us…Our response must be an act of humble thanksgiving.”

Norman and Chona dela Cruz share what struck them in the Gospel. For Norman, he said: “When the disciples asked Jesus Christ where to set-up the Passover, the disciples just followed him, trust his ways, this means that Jesus Christ is in control.” For Chona, she said: “When the bread and the wine was shared…that symbolizes the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ to humanity…”

When asked how much significance they place on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, they each responded by saying: [Chona] “it is part of our existence; we have to bring up our children according to the teachings of our Lord; So, it is very important for us to attend regularly the (celebration of the) Eucharist…This is where we nourish our faith, our spiritual well-being…” [Norman] “In the Eucharist we are not only receiving the bread but we are taking in the Lord Jesus Christ himself within ourselves, within us, we are becoming one with Jesus Christ…” [Chona] “Our reception of the Eucharist is deepening our faith as a family and that’s what we wanted our children to remember and hopefully pass it on to their own family too in the future…”

Father Rector commented by saying, “we have heard it so many times, the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life…we go and celebrate the Eucharist so that we can be nourished and sustained for our activities and tasks during the week; and comes the following Sunday we go back again to be nourished and sustained…we come and keep drawing strength from receiving IT.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged the sharing from Norman and Chona, members of Couples for Christ!

Youtube link:

Episode 19: God's Innermost Secret| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Matthew 28.16-20) for the Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity. He mentioned: “In commissioning his disciples, Jesus declared to them that he has the power to do so, for he said: 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me…' This means, absolute authority has been given to Him by God the Father...Secondly, this Gospel passages also introduce the Trinitarian formula for baptism...lastly, as the disciples proceed to obey the command of Jesus, He remains to be with his church until the end of time.”

Alec Pena shares how in his own unique and special way fulfills the task of evangelizing. He said: "I had been blessed growing up in a Catholic family; and I had been blessed more for having Catholic Education since kinder...since I was in high school, I started teaching catechism in public schools - how to pray, how to read the Bible...and when I was in College, I was active in the church as well..." He also shared a particular experience related to ashes imposed on his forehead on Ash Wednesday and how that experience became a quiet way for him to let others (his co-workers) know of his Catholic faith.

When asked as to how he can encourage others to actively participate in the parish life, Alec mentioned: "To encourage parishioners is first by INVITATION - in any endeavor invitation is important...don't force, but don't stop inviting...and show them the joy that I am getting when I sing (serve) during the Mass...let that person whom you invited experience it (that joy). Then, let that person decide; but first invitation, then do the work so that the person will be inspired in what you do.

Father Rector summarizes it by saying: There must be initiative on the part of those who are already 'active in the parish' but also a life of witness - show them the joy of being part of the bigger church.

 Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged with sharing from Alec!

Youtube link:

Episode 18: Receive the Holy Spirit | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 20.19-23) for the Solemnity of Pentecost. He mentioned: “Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples, to the ‘church’ he has established so that the Holy Spirit will be the church’s constant companion, that makes God present everywhere…the Holy Spirit is continually being bestowed upon us, we need to be grateful recipients…”

Chille Ocbeña shares what struck her in the Gospel, that is: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you…Receive the Holy Spirit.” She said: “It struck me because of the image of the Trinity – the Father has sent God the Son, and then God the Son bestowed the Holy Spirit upon us. It is a great reminder of how whenever God calls us to evangelize, to build his church, that we never walk alone; How God calls me can look different on how God calls other, but we can be assured of the guidance of the Holy Spirit.”

When asked how she can encourage other young people to be connected and related with Jesus, she enumerated the following: “The first thing for me that helped me in my faith is our Sunday commitment, so going to Mass every Sunday; for the reason that it helps established our roots in our faith; Second, will be to take a step further and look for ways to offer your time to help the church i.e. joining music ministry; be a reader at Mass; Another thing that helped me a lot in my faith is attending community event organized by the parish. I think that’s one the reasons, I got connected with young people as well as to be able to surround me with people to bring me closer to the Lord.”

Father Rector thanked Chille for her sharing and the way she shares her time and talent to the parish. He said: “obviously the way you are manifesting that you are grateful recipient of the gift of the Holy Spirit is by sharing it with your parish community…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and encouraged with sharing from Chille!

Youtube link:

Episode 17: Go, Proclaim, Evangelize! | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 16.15-20) for the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. He mentioned: “Jesus commissions the apostles to go and preach the Gospel to all…The Ascension of our Lord should remind us that Jesus has left us a mission to evangelize the world!”

S. Rosviminda Ochoa, from the Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM) ministering in the Diocese of Prince George and a faithful volunteer of the cathedral parish shares her own joys and the challenges in fulfilling the task of proclaiming the Good News. She mentioned: “…it is an invitation to share the joys and the challenges of his [Jesus’] life with every person that I meet and journey with regardless of what color, or race or social status. It is a constant awareness that we are an embodiment of his love and compassion…” She focuses her sharing on two things: (1) the joys of being sent and present; (2) the challenges of living a life of witness.“

S. Rosviminda, RVM also shares about her Congregation and their devotion to Our Lady. She said: “The Religious of the Virgin Mary was founded in 1684 in the Philippines by Venerable Ignacia del Espiritu Santo. It is the first Filipino Congregation for religious women…In defining her leadership, Venerable Ignacia drew inspiration from the Blessed Virgin Mary…” Regarding their devotion to Our Lady, she mentioned: “we follow the disposition of Mary when she said ‘yes’ to the call of God to be the Mother of Jesus…”

Father Rector received and responded S. Rosviminda’s sharing by saying: “In fulfilling the mission entrusted to us the Lord himself assures us, we are never left alone…” He also thanked S. Rosviminda for her 23 years [and counting] as a religious, as well as her volunteerism at the Cathedral working behind the scenes in many aspects of the parish life. He mentioned: “I am most grateful. That only tells us that in the work entrusted to us by our Lord himself, we are never alone. We are always sent, we are asked to be present, and to recognize that there are others who are called, and we are called to work with them. Thank you for your ways of collaborating sister...” As to the introduction of their founder and congregation, he said: “one thing that is unique to your congregation is to celebrate the Baptism of your founder…everything that we do in church is rooted in our Baptism.” He also mentioned: “The other important thing that I, myself, would personally remember is your motto: 'To Jesus through Mary'…”

Lastly, Fr. Rector thanked S. Rosviminda, RVM for introducing their Congregation both in words and in actions. He mentioned: “your constant presence in our parish speaks to us of who your founder is and how you are carrying on her charism.”

Watch and listen! Get to know the Religious of the Virgin Mary – their founder, their charism, and their ministries! Be inspired! Be blessed with the sharing from S. Rosviminda, RVM.

Youtube link:

Episode 16: Remain in His Love... | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 15.1-8) for the Fifth Sunday of Easter. He mentioned: “Jesus uses the image of the vine and branches to relate the truth that belonging to him guarantees us life and life eternal…God in the person of Jesus never wants us to be separated from him, like the branches are attached or connected to the vine: Jesus, being the vine is the constant source of life and nourishment of the branches…”

Martin and Lemon Tran share how they have experience pruning in their lives. Martin said: “The Word of God is like a pruning tool, if we listen to it, we allow God to prune ourselves…sometimes we have conflict, we have argument…but I remember, Jesus said that ‘you need to love one another as I have loved you…’ So, I need to do something…I decided to be the person to apologize first…and then happiness of my family is recovered…”

Lemon said: “I grew with him…I never said that [‘sorry’] as a single person…And the fruit that we get from those tests and challenges [pruning] are our happiness and strengthening our bond as husband and wife; and we will do that for our daughter; she will see whatever we are doing and she’s going to do the same thing…so that it becomes the fruit of the fruit in the future…”

When asked of any recommendation how we can remain connected to the vine, they named the following: (1) We need to keep communicating with Him through prayer. (2) Seriously take Communion, thinking what we are receiving, and taking it with all the heart, and just think that Jesus abides in us. (3) After the Mass, go out there and live with others dealing with conflicts, challenges the way Jesus think. 

Watch and listen! Be inspired. Be blessed with Martin and Lemon’s reflection and sharing!

Youtube link:

Episode 15: Jesus Remains in us | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 15.1-8) for the Fifth Sunday of Easter. He mentioned: “Jesus uses the image of the vine and branches to relate the truth that belonging to him guarantees us life and life eternal…God in the person of Jesus never wants us to be separated from him, like the branches are attached or connected to the vine: Jesus, being the vine is the constant source of life and nourishment of the branches…”

Martin and Lemon Tran share how they have experience pruning in their lives. Martin said: “The Word of God is like a pruning tool, if we listen to it, we allow God to prune ourselves…sometimes we have conflict, we have argument…but I remember, Jesus said that ‘you need to love one another as I have loved you…’ So, I need to do something…I decided to be the person to apologize first…and then happiness of my family is recovered…”

Lemon said: “I grew with him…I never said that [‘sorry’] as a single person…And the fruit that we get from those tests and challenges [pruning] are our happiness and strengthening our bond as husband and wife; and we will do that for our daughter; she will see whatever we are doing and she’s going to do the same thing…so that it becomes the fruit of the fruit in the future…”

When asked of any recommendation how we can remain connected to the vine, they named the following: (1) We need to keep communicating with Him through prayer. (2) Seriously take Communion, thinking what we are receiving, and taking it with all the heart, and just think that Jesus abides in us. (3) After the Mass, go out there and live with others dealing with conflicts, challenges the way Jesus think. 

Watch and listen! Be inspired. Be blessed with Martin and Lemon’s reflection and sharing!

Youtube link:

Episode 14: Imitate the Good Shepherd| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 10.11-18) for the Fourth Sunday of Easter. He mentioned: “To imitate the Good Shepherd: we need to follow his voice…let genuine love and care be our motivations in fulfilling our respective vocations…develop an attitude and mindset that promotes inclusivity….” He said, “Remember, our Good Shepherd would leave the ninety-nine just to seek the one who is lost, so that, he can bring that one back to the fold.”

Joel Wilson, shares as to when and how he experiences the Good Shepherd in his life’s journey. He said: “I would experience the Good Shepherd when I am at work and away from my family…I work on the road…it gets really lonely…and I always remember that Jesus is always with me. I am never alone…that sense of spirituality helps me get through the day…it also makes me a happier person…”

Fr. Rector responded: “Our Good Shepherd never leaves his flock unattended, whether we are near of far, the Good Shepherd is always there attentive to the needs of his sheep, his flock.”

Through his small gestures Joel Wilson let his co-workers and friends to experience the Good Shepherd too! Towards the end, in terms of nurturing aspects of Good Shepherd within each of us, Joel mentioned: “I would recommend starting up with small, good deeds, eventually leading up to bigger good deeds…”

Watch and listen! Be inspired. Be blessed with Joel’s reflection and sharing about his experience of the Good Shepherd!

Youtube link:

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Episode 13: He Journeys with us!| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Luke 24.35-48) for the Third Sunday of Easter. He mentioned: “Our risen Lord truly never gives up on the weaknesses and failures of his disciples. He does the same to all of us, his present believers, and followers. He journeys with us even today. Our risen Lord continues to make his existence and presence known to us in ways that he alone can do…”

In addition to sharing what strikes him in the Gospel, Raphael Obasi also shares the ways he gives witness to the Resurrection of Jesus, that Jesus is alive. He said: (1) “The best way to give witness that Jesus is alive is to constantly renew my relationship with him...I have already established relationship with Christ, but I have to constantly renew that relationship…once you already have a relationship with Christ, there are so many things about your life that would change…(2) by being conscious of sacred lifestyle more than the secular lifestyle…(3) take the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ to others…”

Fr. Rector responded: “We cannot give witness to someone if we are not first related with that someone. We need to know who Jesus Christ is first and be able to established that relationship; and that relationship will constantly grow and be nurtured – by spending time with him, by learning at the foot of the Master…and more and more over the course of time, we will become more holy, more configure into his image and likeness…and then, we have a credibility to give witness to Jesus – we can go and proclaim to all the world that Jesus is alive and that we are related with him!

Watch and listen! Be inspired. Be blessed with his story of faith in our risen Lord!

Youtube link:

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Episode 12: Fruits of the Resurrection| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 20.19-31) for the Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy).

He highlights the fruits brought by the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. These are:

• The gift of peace
• The gift of joy
• The gift of forgiveness and reconciliation

Ujunwa shares what was striking for her in the Gospel. She said: “The fact that Jesus met the disciples at the time of their fear, at the time when they were so anxious (they were almost confused) and Jesus kept his promise of coming to them bringing them the Holy Spirit…it means that despite the locked doors, it doesn’t stop Jesus…he cannot be deterred by the locked doors.”

Fr. Rector responded: “Our risen Lord is able to penetrate even locked doors because he wants to continue to journey with us. He wants to assure us of his presence. He wants to banish all the fear, the anxiety, and the worries…”

Ujunwa also shares a personal experience, an encounter she has with the Lord when she “locked herself up.” For her, “it was a moment when Jesus proved himself that even in the darkest shadow of death, he comes for his people, and he came for me.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired. Be blessed with her story of faith in our risen Lord!

Youtube link:

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Episode 11: Be Witnesses!| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 20.1-18++) for the Solemnity of The Resurrection of the Lord. He highlights the following:

• The empty tomb.
• The appearance of Jesus, our risen Lord to Mary Magdalene.
• The invitation to spread the good news that Jesus is alive!

Cyril and Peace Ugbem share their understanding of Easter and the way they celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. For them, Easter means:

• Jesus conquering over death and sin;
• Fulfillment of a promise;
• Beginning of a new life in Christ.
"As a Catholic Christian family, we dwell in reflecting God's mercies upon us; and how to improve upon our Christian life...we open ourselves up to Christ to come and take his place in our lives and use us to the glory of his name." (Cyril) "We celebrate by sharing food to our neighbors. You don't have to quantify what you are making. Just make as much as you can afford and give it out to all your neighbors..." (Peace)

When asked what it means for them to renew their Baptismal promises on Easter Sunday, they responded: "It is a reminder that we need to be vocal about rejecting Satan's empty promises..." (Peace) "Its a great opportunity for us remind ourselves of the task that is ahead of us..." (Cyril)

In the end, Father Rector thanked Cyril and Peace. He also remarks: “That's the beauty of our faith. We do not just celebrate and proclaim Easter in the four corners of our church, but we go beyond the doors of our church; we go beyond the doors of our home; and wherever we go, we proclaim that Jesus is alive through our words, through our deeds that care and show love to others especially those who are need.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and blessed. Happy Easter!

Youtube link:

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Episode 10: Greater Love| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector

Father Rector shares his reflection on the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark (Mark 14.1-15.47) for this Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, Year B. He highlights three points:

• The two kinds of people and their attitudes in the hour of the Passion of our Lord Jesus.

• The person of our Lord Jesus himself during the hour of his passion: [Jesus was aware fully that he will be betrayed and yet he allowed it to happen; Jesus prayed at the hour of his passion, and his determination is still in total obedience to do the will of the Father even to his death; In the midst of interrogations, false accusations, mocking, insults, including spitting, Jesus maintained his powerful stance through silence.]

• The profession of faith of the centurion.

Art and Jen Alido relate the Paschal Mystery into their married and family life by giving aspects of their married life: their covenant to one another; unconditional love; faith that they have for one another and faith in God.

When asked as to how far will they go in the name of LOVE, each of them gave their response: “I’ll die for my wife, I’ll die for my kid, I’ll die for our family that’s how far I could go to show my love…” (Art) “I will go seven thousand miles with him, that’s how far I can show my love for him…I give my life, my future, my trust…” (Jen)

They also gave suggestions to meaningfully observe the coming Holy Week as a family: support Holy Week activities in the Church; pray together; read the Bible; watch movies that are religious in nature; teach children to pray the rosary and the Stations of the Cross.

In the end, Father Rector thanked Art and Jen by saying: “Thank you for your sharing and the beautiful way you have shared your life with us…I am sure the people who will hear your story will be blessed in the same way you have blessed me with your presence.”

Watch and listen! Be inspired and blessed. Have a meaningful observance of the coming Holy Week!

Youtube link:

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Episode 09: Embrace the Cross| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 12.20-33) for this Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year B. | Greg Gobby shares his journey of faith and how the various turning points in their life as a family strengthened their faith in the Lord.
He was born as a cradle Catholic. And when he was in his mid-twenty’s ‘spiritual immaturity’ launched him into a space where he was no longer feeling connected with the Church. But suddenly, their eldest presented him and his wife a question: “Some of the kids are saying there is a God. Is there a God? Do you believe there is a God?” This question became a significant turning point in their lives to return to Church…
When asked about recommendations as to how we can meaningfully observe the coming Holy Week, Greg responded by saying: “don’t just attend the different activities related to Holy Week, meditate on them…we have to meditate on these things and carry them with us, as we go through; not just come and attend and go home again; we need to talk about the Gospel with one another because they are so meaningful.”
Father Rector summed up Greg’s recommendations by saying: “As we approach the coming Holy Week, we just don’t approach it as if it is just a ‘normal week’. It is the HOLY WEEK! That means to say, we are invited to engage more fully into the journey of our Lord Jesus towards the Cross and really understand for ourselves, what does it mean for us – Jesus giving himself on the Cross for the salvation of the world…”
Listen! Be inspired and be enriched of Greg’s story of faith. Know how his many life’s experiences contributed to strengthening of his faith in the Lord!
Episode 08: Magnanimous Love| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 2.13-25) for this Third Sunday of Lent, Year B. | Anthony Royan shares his journey of faith and what made him fall in love with the Church. He said, “God and the Church have been central part of my life throughout…as I grew up in age, I fell away a little bit from church...later on where I felt most in love with the God and with the Church actually came with COVID. We had such an upheaval. My life and as many turned upside down and I really had to put my faith in God’s hand…”
Fr. Rector responded by saying, “It is interesting to know from your story as to how God will use a particular event in our lives so that he can speak to us more closely.”
When asked, in his own humble observation, what needs cleansing in the Church today, Mr. Royan responded, “We need to cleanse ourselves first of judgement; we need to stop looking at others and judging what they are doing or not doing...Instead start to embrace where they are at in their life and how perhaps we could help them; we need to be more positive, more accepting, more loving...”
Fr. Rector commented: “God meets us where we are and at the end of our days, we have only ONE JUDGE and he will judge us according to how we have loved.
Watch and listen. Be inspired of his story of faith.
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Episode 07: Defend God's Dwelling | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (John 2.13-25) for this Third Sunday of Lent, Year B. | Anthony Royan shares his journey of faith and what made him fall in love with the Church. He said, “God and the Church have been central part of my life throughout…as I grew up in age, I fell away a little bit from church...later on where I felt most in love with the God and with the Church actually came with COVID. We had such an upheaval. My life and as many turned upside down and I really had to put my faith in God’s hand…”
Fr. Rector responded by saying, “It is interesting to know from your story as to how God will use a particular event in our lives so that he can speak to us more closely.”
When asked, in his own humble observation, what needs cleansing in the Church today, Mr. Royan responded, “We need to cleanse ourselves first of judgement; we need to stop looking at others and judging what they are doing or not doing...Instead start to embrace where they are at in their life and how perhaps we could help them; we need to be more positive, more accepting, more loving...”
Fr. Rector commented: “God meets us where we are and at the end of our days, we have only ONE JUDGE and he will judge us according to how we have loved.
Watch and listen. Be inspired of his story of faith.
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Episode 06: Future Glory| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 9.2-10) for this Second Sunday of Lent, Year B. | Dodie Bond shares moments in her life where faith became a real source of strength in facing “difficult” moments in life.
Asked about life’s experiences that brought difficulty in following the Lord, Dodie mentioned the passing of her daughter and husband. As to how she endured those difficult moments, she responded, “her family was there, Catholic Women’s League, the church…prayer…and if it wasn’t for her faith…she didn’t know [how to react on these difficult moments].” In her own words, she said, “my faith is what saves me and the love of Jesus, and especially Mary.”
Towards the end, when asked if she has any practical recommendation to make this Lenten Season a blessed one, she said, “take time to sit down and talk with Jesus and Mary.”
Father Rector affirmed Dodie's recommendation by saying, “as the voice of God the Father said in the Gospel, ‘listen to him’ and when we talk to Mary, she will lead us back to her Son, Jesus…”
Listen and be inspired to her story of faith.

Youtube link:

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Episode 05: Triumph over Temptations| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
"Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1.12-15) for this First Sunday of Lent, Year B. | Daniel Munk shares practices that had helped him in his struggle towards temptation of falling to alcoholism.
For Dan, “prayer, the sacraments – frequent confessions, and the Eucharist, trusting in God’s love and his mercy had helped him overcome issues throughout his life.”
Father Rector in response mentioned “we need to approach God in humility and let the grace of the Sacraments continue to work in us and through us…”

Youtube link:

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Episode 04: Be Healed!| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1.40-45) for this Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. | Nerinisa Estrabinio-Bugayong narrates her journey towards physical and spiritual healing. She encourages listeners to face suffering as an opportunity to get closer to the Lord.

Nerine is a cancer survivor. After she experienced healing from the Lord, she is blessed to be a mother.

Listen and be inspired of her faith and transformation.

Fr. Rector remarks, "Nerine, you are not just a strong and brave woman; you are a woman of faith."

Youtube link:

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Episode 03: Pray Always| The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1.29-39) for this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. | James Fowlie as his guest answers Father Rector's questions related to valuing prayer and incorporating prayer in one’s daily activities.

Youtube link:

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Episode 02: Be a Prophet | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1.21-28) for this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. | Juan Miguel Reyes as his guest answers Father Rector's questions related to living our prophetic calling as baptized

Youtube link:

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Episode 01: We Are Called | The Word of the Lord with Fr. Rector
Father Rector shares his reflection on the Gospel (Mark 1.14-20) for this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B. | Juan Miguel Reyes as his guest answers Father Rector's questions related to the vocation to married life.

Youtube link:

The Word of the Lord
The Cathedral Communication Network presents THE WORD OF THE LORD—reflection on the Sunday Gospel reading. This is a YouTube channel of Fr. Rector that will be devoted to the reading of God’s Word every week. Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE. The first episode will be on the observance of the Sunday of the Word of God, January 21, 2024.

The launching of this YouTube channel will be happening before the final blessing of each Mass this Third Sunday of Advent.

Youtube link:



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